Tamás Ary, vice president for sustainable development

economist – teacher, diplomat

“Whatever you want people to do with you, do the same to them. As the founding vice president of the Africa Knowledge Center, I intend to establish mutually beneficial and mutually respectful cooperation between Hungary and the African countries of the Southern Opening, which will be a success for the Hungarian nation and contribute to the sustainable development of African partner countries and the prosperity of their citizens. The first years of the Southern Opening have shown that with the right cooperation, there are significant opportunities for Hungarian companies in Africa in the fields of agriculture, water industry and health care, information and communication technology, healthy food, education and training. Hungarian knowledge transfer and innovations are still an untapped success on the continent. I consider it important to provide humanitarian assistance to distressed and persecuted communities within the framework of Hungary’s Hungary Helps Program. ”

He was born in 1983 in Mátészalka. He grew up in a Christian civil family. He attended the II. Rákóczi Ferenc Primary School in Mátészalka and the Esze Tamás Grammar School in Mátészalka, then he graduated from the Corvinus University of Budapest at majors of management organization (MA), economics teacher (MA) and German language teacher (MA).

Between 2009 and 2014, he worked as an analyst on controlling, business analysis and management information system developments for large companies of Creditexpress Group, General Electric and Hungaropharma Zrt. Between 2014 and 2019, he was the cabinet secretary for sustainable development at the Fidesz parliamentary group. From the spring of 2019, he is a government official in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. From the autumn of 2019, he has been Hungary’s foreign economic and trade attaché in Accra.

Since his student years, he has been an active volunteer and community organizer in addition to his studies and work. In 2008/09, he was the vice president of MKT Corvinus – Hungarian Economic Society. From 2013 to 2015, he was deputy head of Fidelitas Economic Cabinet. From 2015 to 2019, he was the founding head of Fidelitas Sustainable Development Cabinet. From 2017 to 2019, he was a student of the African College of Lakitelek Folk High School. From the spring of 2018, he has been the founding president of Carpe Futura! – for the Sustainable Society Association. Since August 2019, he has been the founding vice president for sustainable development of the Central European Knowledge Center for Africa Business Studies.

Areas of his interest: international and national affairs of sustainable development, the relationship between economy and quality of life, the relationship between culture and sustainability, Hungary’s Southern Opening Africa policy, green and blue economy innovations, information and communication technology, the role of education and training development in the Hungarian foreign trade and economy.