He was born in Budapest in 1965, and in his childhood, he lived in Tanzania
with his parents. He earned a Master of Arts degree in Political Theory and
Political History, History, and African Studies from Eötvös Loránd University,
and then an international MBA from the American University of Phoenix.
After his university years, he worked as a Director in a government
institution (ÁVÜ – State Property Agency) and international companies (Pannon
GSM Telecommunications, ÁB-Aegon Insurance Company), and then in the private
sector as an owner-Managing Director (PriComm and LobbyComm Communication
Agencies). From 2007 he was the CEO of ATDO Global and the Managing Director of
ATDO Africa, then the Deputy CEO of Afrika Holding Zrt., and from 2008-2010 the
representative of sub-Saharan Africa in ITDH (International Trade and
Development Hungary).
In addition to his work, he is the Honorary Consul of the Kingdom of
Lesotho in Budapest since 2002 (www.lesotho.hu), and for several years he has
been the Vice-Chairman of the Honorary Consular Board Accredited in Hungary. He
is a member of the Advisory Board of the scientific publication “African
Studies” (www.afrikatanulmanyok.hu) and a member of the BTK Africa
Research Center of the University of Pécs (www.africa.pte.hu). Between 2010 and
2012, he co-chaired the Hungarian Africa Platform.
He specializes, and publishing work covers the role of the South African
region in international development and multilateral economic relations, as
well as the region’s geopolitical processes, history, and the current economic
and political situation in the region. In addition, the position of SADC
countries and their role with other regional cooperation formations in Sub-Saharan
Africa. The possibilities of Hungarian economic diplomacy in Sub-Saharan
Africa, thus, the chances of development policy in the framework of EDF and
other international development programs.